Terms and Conditions

Payment methods - PayPal or Bank transfer.

Payment terms - The payment can be done in full or divided in two payments 50% each. The work only starts after the payment or 50% of it.

Feedback - During the process of working on the commission the client will be updated each 1/2 days about how the product is looking so he can give his opinion or request any changes. In the beginning, the client should specify and present as many details about the project as possible. A total change of ideas mid project won't be accepted.

Timeline - The maximum time for a project work is 2 months, although the client can request for a longer timeline with its own reasons specified. The minimum requested time for a project to be finalised is 2 days depending if its possible or not.

Project delays - If the client delays the delivery of critical information or data for more than 2 weeks, the project will be canceled, on the other hand if he wishes to continue and restart it, a 25% payment of the full price is due.

Ownership - The client has full ownership of the final product. Credit on social media is always appreciated although not necessary.